Election Talk #2 (online panel) - Digitalization of the 2024 Indonesian Elections: Towards strengthening democracy?

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Research Center for Politics BRIN invite you to an online panel event, “The Digitalization of 2024 Elections: Towards strengthening democracy?” on Thursday, 20 October 2022, 10:00–12:00 WIB time.
In the midst of the atmosphere leading up to the 2024 General Election, it is interesting to discuss further about the application of digital technology in election management, especially to see the effect of digitalization on the quality of election results and democracy in Indonesia. In this regard, it is important to further investigate the impact of digitalization on the election management cycle and the readiness of election participants and election administrators in each election cycle. First, in the pre-electoral period, what is the impact of digitization on participant verification, campaign stages and so on; Second, in the electoral period, what is the impact of digitalization on voters and the use of their right to vote; and third, in the post-electoral period, what are the digital aspects of calculating and determining election results. It is necessary to ensure that any digitization of the 2024 general election will lead to the integrity of an efficient, transparent and accountable election.
Responding to the discourse on the digitization of the 2024 General Election, the Political Research Center of BRIN and International IDEA intend to discuss it in the Election Talk Series – 2. This programme is intended as a discussion space to discuss election digitization. These discussions are related to, among other things, the prospect of digitizing the 2024 General Election, the urgency of digitizing elections, what are the obstacles and challenges to digitizing the implementation of elections and future solutions. This discussion forum will bring together stakeholders, academics, and public participation for a more accountable election administration. It is hoped that this discussion forum can become a forum for sharing from stakeholders, election participants, academics, election observers, civil society circles, to encourage efforts to organize better elections.
We welcome the participation of students, academics, political party members, observers and the media, in this online discussion, which will be held in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Betty Epsilon Idroos - Anggota KPU RI
- Saan Mustopa - Wakil Ketua Komisi ii DPR RI
- Hadar Nafis Gumay - Peneliti Senior Netgrit
- Sri Nuryanti - Peneliti Senior BRIN
- Peter Wolf - International IDEA
Broadcast journalist and TVone anchor Chacha Annisa will moderate.
Kindly register for online attendance via Zoom.