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The Cost and Finances of Elections: Expert Working Group

21 November 2017 - 22 November 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
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On 21–22 November 2017, International IDEA is convening senior practitioners and experts at its Headquarters in Stockholm to identify the key understandings and principles that will underpin its module on The Cost and Finances of Elections.

International IDEA is developing the module in response to a meeting of the BRIDGE partner organizations in New York in June 2017. BRIDGE, a modular professional development program on electoral processes, is integral to enhancing the skills and confidence of stakeholders in the electoral process.

Issues surrounding the financing of elections are closely linked to the independence and sustainability of electoral management bodies. For example, when funding for electoral operations is released only days prior to the elections, or when election authorities do not receive a budget line the year before elections, there are significant risks for the operation and credibility of elections. This Expert Working Group will be instrumental in defining how to address these types of pressing issues.

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