Anticipating Elections in Fiji

Fiji’s 2013 Constitution and related electoral legal framework introduced substantial changes to Fiji’s electoral system and processes, marking departure from Fiji’s previous constitutions since gaining independence in 1970. These changes brought about also new expectations, anxieties and at times, also suspicions. This has direct impact on the perceived legitimacy of electoral outcomes, with potential ramifications for the political stability of the country, and relations between citizens on different sides of the political and ethnic divide.
In advance of Fiji’s 2022 General Elections, the Panel Discussion Series titled: Anticipating Elections in Fiji is being organized. The discussions are intended to assist electoral stakeholders of Fiji in understanding the key elements of Fiji’s electoral processes thereby assisting them in being better prepared for the same. The panel discussions are aimed to increase the participants’ understanding and knowledge of Fiji's electoral system and how it works.
The Panel number six of the series is on the topic: Social Media and Elections. The use of social media in Fiji has increased drastically over the last decade. This new communication method has had both negative and positive impact on people’s lives. Social media has also been used during elections by the different stakeholders.
Panel number seven of the series is on the topic: The Role of Civil Society Organizations and the Elections. A strong civil society is recognized as an important contributor to both launching and sustaining a transition toward democratic governance. The role of civil society in elections often takes the form of supporting institutional processes, as well as educating and informing the democratic electorate. Civil society has also a role to play in reducing election-related conflict dynamics and promoting a peaceful electoral environment. In Fiji, several civil society organizations work in the election-related field and this panel discussion we are hearing from them about the work they are doing and about their experiences.
- Date: 27 June 2022
- Time: 11:00-4:00 GMT +12
- Hybrid Mode: Zoom Platform and Tanoa Plaza Hotel
1. Panel 6
- Speakers: Dr Shailendra Singh, Associate Professor, University of South Pacific
- Speakers: Jope Tarai, Pacific Scholar, and Researcher
2. Panel 7
- Speakers: Vani Catanasiga, Executive Director, Fiji Council of Social Services
- Speakers: Nilesh Lal, Executive Director, Dialogue Fiji
Moderator: Lice Movono, Freelance Multimedia Communication