Perceptions of Democracy Survey v1

Perceptions of Democracy Survey (PODS) report cover image

International IDEA collected data for its first Perceptions of Democracy Survey (PODS v1) across 19 countries between May 2023 and January 2024. 

The survey was fielded by two different research firms. Respondents in Brazil, Chile, The Gambia, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, the Solomon Islands and Tanzania were contacted via telephone by the research firm GeoPoll. Respondents in Colombia, Denmark, India, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, South Korea, Taiwan and the USA were recruited by YouGov using their online panels. 
In each country our survey research providers contacted a representative sample of the population (approximately 1,000 people) and an additional sample of people whose household income indicated that they were experiencing poverty (approximately 500 people). This oversampling of the poorest and most marginalized people allows us to have confidence in our assessment of how these diverse groups of people differ from the rest of the population. 

Note, however, that the nature of the sample varies slightly from country to country. In 16 of the 19 countries, the main sample (1,000 people) was nationally representative. In Colombia, India and Taiwan the sample is online representative. Another significant exception to this approach is the Solomon Islands, where the small population posed significant challenges for data collection, and the sample size is only 526 people, 309 of whom were in the lowest income category.

The data files from the two firms differ somewhat, but the questionnaires were the same (apart from translations and localization of the demographic questions). A generic (English) version of the questionnaire, and the original data files for each country are available for download below.

When using the data, please cite: International IDEA, Perceptions of Democracy Survey v1, 2024,

Please also see the 2024 PODS report published by International IDEA.

PODS v1 data files

Example survey questions: PODS v1 survey questions.pdf

Countries surveyed by GeoPoll

Brazil: PODS v1 Brazil.xlsx

Chile: PODS v1 Chile.xlsx

The Gambia: PODS v1 The Gambia.xlsx

Iraq: PODS v1 Iraq.xlsx

Lebanon: PODS v1 Lebanon.xlsx

Pakistan: PODS v1 Pakistan.xlsx

Senegal: PODS v1 Senegal.xlsx

Sierra Leone: PODS v1 Sierra Leone.xlsx

Solomon Islands: PODS v1 Solomon Islands.xlsx

Tanzania: PODS v1 Tanzania.xlsx

Countries surveyed by YouGov

Colombia: PODS v1

Denmark: PODS v1

India: PODS v1

Italy: PODS v1

Lithuania: PODS v1

Romania: PODS v1

South Korea: PODS v1 South

Taiwan: PODS v1

United States: PODS v1 United

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