Gender Quotas Database
Americas General Resources
- Araújo, C. and García, A.I. 2006. ‘Latin America: The experience and the impact of quotas in Latin America’, in Dahlerup, D. (ed.) Women, Quotas and Politics, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 83-111.
- Krook, M.L. et al 2006. ’Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand: Gender Quotas in the Context of Citizenship Models’, in Dahlerup, D. (ed.) Women, Quotas and Politics, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 194-221.
- Archenti, N. ‘Qué han hecho las Legisladoras? Impacto de las cuotas en el Congreso
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- Fundación Género y Sociedad (GESO) 2004. Evolución de la participación sociopolítica de mujeres y hombres en América Latina, Documento de Trabajo No. 30,
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- Lazzaro, A.M. ‘Evolucion de La Ley de Cupo Femenino a Traves De la Interpretacion
Judicial’, paper presented at XXV International Congress of Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, October 2004. - Bareiro, L. ‘Sistemas Electorales y Representación Femenina’, Documento de Trabajo, paper presented at the Reunión sobre gobernabilidad democrática y igualdad de género, Santiago de Chile, October 2003.
- Dahlerup, D. 2003. ‘Comparative Studies of Electoral Gender Quotas’, in International
IDEA The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences, Quota Workshop Report Series no. 2, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 10–19. - Dahlerup, D. and Freidenvall, L. ‘Quota as a ‘Fast Track’ to Equal Political Representation for Women. Why Scandinavian is no longer the model’, paper presented at American Political Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2003.
- International IDEA, 2003. The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences,
Quota Workshop Report Series no. 2, Stockholm: International IDEA. - Krook, M.L. ‘Not All Quotas Are Created Equal: Trajectories of Reform to increase Women’s Political Representation’, paper presented at European Consortium for Political Research, Edinburgh, March–April 2003.
- Lubertino, M.J. 2003. ‘Pioneering Quotas: The Argentine Experience and Beyond’, in International IDEA The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences, Quota Workshop Report Series no. 2, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 32–41.
- Molyneux, M. 2003 [2001]Women’s Movement in International Perspective: Latin
Americaand Beyond, London: Institute of Latin America Studies. - Peschard, J. 2003. ‘The Quota System in Latin America: General Overview’, in International IDEA The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences, Quota Workshop Report Series no. 2, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 20–9.
- Schmidt, G. 2003a. Cuotas Efectivas, Magnitud Relativa del Partido Y Éxito de las Candidatas Mujeres, Lima: Instituto Manuela Ramos.
- Yáñez, A.M. 2003. ‘Cuotas y democracia’, in International IDEA The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences, Quota Workshop Report Series no. 2, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 114–19.
- Htun, Mala N. 2002. ‘Mujeres y poder político en Latinoamérica,’ in International IDEA, Mujeres en el Parlamento. Más allá de los números, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 19-44.
- Htun, Mala N. 2002. ‘Mujeres y poder político en Latinoamérica,’ in International IDEA, Mujeres en el Parlamento. Más allá de los números, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 19-44.
- Htun, Mala N. and Mark P. Jones. 2002. ‘Engendering the Right to Participate in Decision-Making: Electoral Quotas and Women's Leadership in Latin America.’ Nikki Craske and Maxine Molyneux(ed.) Gender and the Politics of Rights and Democracy in Latin America. New York: Palgrave. pp. 32-56.
- Htun, Mala N. and Mark P. Jones. 2002. ‘Engendering the Right to Participate in Decision-Making: Electoral Quotas and Women's Leadership in Latin America.’ Nikki Craske and Maxine Molyneux(ed.) Gender and the Politics of Rights and Democracy in Latin America. New York: Palgrave. pp. 32-56.
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- Matland, R.E. 2002. ‘Estrategias para ampliar la participación femenina en el parlamento. El proceso de selección de candidatos legislativos y los sistemas electorales’,
in M. Méndez-Montalvo and J. Ballington (eds) Mujeres en el Parlamentomás allá de los números, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 111–34. - Molyneux, M. and Craske, N. 2002. ‘The Local, the Regional and the Global: Transforming the Politics of Rights’, in N. Craske and M. Molyneux (eds) Gender and the Politics of Rights and Democracy in Latin America, New York: Palgrave, pp. 1–31.
- Peschard, J. 2002. ‘El Sistema de cuotas en América Latina. Panorama general’, in M. Méndez-Montalvo and J. Ballington (eds) Mujeres en el Parlamento- Más alla de los números, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 173–86.
- Peschard, Jacqueline. 2002. ‘El sistema de cuotas en América Latina. Panorama general,’ in International IDEA. Mujeres en elParlamento. Más allá de los números, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 173-186.
- Socialist International Women. 2002. ‘The Quota System.’
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- Gallo, Edit Rosalía and Carlos Alberto Giacobone. 2001. Cupo femenino en la política argentina: Ley nacional, leyes provinciales, debates parlamentarios, normativa internacional, jurisprudencia(The quota law for women in Argentinian politics: National law, provincial laws, parliamentary debates, international norms, and jurisprudence). Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
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- Miguel, S.M. 1999. Política de Cotas- Mulheres na Política, Brasília: CFEMEA.
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- Jones, Mark P. 1998. ‘Gender quotas, electoral laws, and the election of women: Lessons from the Argentine provinces.’ Comparative Political Studies. 31, no. 1. pp. 3-21.
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