Gender Quotas Database

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Eastern Africa

Eritrea has a Unicameral parliament with legislated quotas for the single/lower house and at the sub-national level. 0 of 150 (0%) seats in the Hagerawi Baito / National Assembly are held by women.

At a glance

Structure of parliament Unicameral

Are there legislated quotas

For the Single / Lower house? Yes
For the Upper house? No
For the Sub-national level? Yes

Are there voluntary quotas?

Adopted by political parties? No
Is there additional information? Yes

Single / Lower House

Hagerawi Baito / National Assembly

Quota at the Sub-National Level

Voluntary Political Party Quotas*

* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.

Additional information

Following Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopia in 1993, a National Assembly (composed entirely of the People's Front for Democracy and Justice) was established as a transitional legislature and a Constitutional Commission was established to draft a constitution. The constitution was ratified in May 1997 but did not enter into effect, pending parliamentary and presidential elections. The parliamentary elections scheduled for December 2001 were then postponed indefinitely. Therefore, the quota provisions described above have not yet been implemented.


Legal Sources:

  • Constitution of Eritrea - Link
  • Election Law - Link
  • Political Party Law - Link

Other Sources:

Additional reading

  • See the latest updates on Eritrea on iKNOW Politics
  • UN, Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and The Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly, 2004 Eritrea UN Report
  • Hale, S. (2001). The State of the Women’s Movement in Eritrea. Northeast African Studies, 8(3), 155–177.
  • Lowe-Morna, C. 2000. ‘Strategies for Increasing Women's Participation in Politics’, paper presented to the Fifth Meeting of Commonwealth Ministers Responsible for Women's Affairs.
  • Leisure, S. 1999. ‘Exchanging Participation for Promises: Mobilization of Women in Eritrea’, in Jill M Bystydzienski and Joti Sekhon (eds) Democratization and Women's Grassroots Movements, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Connell, D. 1998. ‘Strategies for Change: Women and Politics in Eritrea and South Africa’, in Review of African Political Economy, No. 76, pp. 189-206.

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