Gender Quotas Database
Publications & Resources
Workshop Reports
Case Studies
IDEA Publications
- Atlas of Electoral Gender Quotas
- Designing for Equality: Best-fit, medium-fit and non-favourable combinations of electoral systems and gender quotas
- The Implementation of Quotas: African Experiences (An International IDEA Report)
- The Implementation of Quotas: Asian Experiences (An International IDEA Report)
- The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences (An International IDEA Report).
Spanish translation: La aplicación de las cuotas: experiencias latinoamericanas - The Implementation of Quotas: European Experiences (An International IDEA Report in collaboration with the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity and the CEE Network for Gender Issues)
- The book Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, ed. By Julie Ballington and Azzra Karam (revised ed. 2005) which has reached a large audience all over the world, contains a chapter and several case studies on gender quotas.
IDEA Workshop Reports
- The Arab Quota Report: Selected Case Studies (An International IDEA Report)
- The Implementation of Quotas: African Experiences (An International IDEA Report)
- The Implementation of Quotas: Asian Experiences (An International IDEA Report)
- The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences (An International IDEA Report).
Spanish translation: La aplicación de las cuotas: experiencias latinoamericanas - The Implementation of Quotas: European Experiences (An International IDEA Report in collaboration with the European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity and the CEE Network for Gender Issues)
Case Studies (Acrobat Format)
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