Disputed Elections data set

International IDEA created the Disputed Elections data set to support the research on elections published in The Global State of Democracy Report 2024. The data set covers legal and political disputes concerning almost all national-level elections held between May 2020 and April 2024. The data set covers five ways in which elections are disputed: (1) boycotts of elections, (2) public refusals of losing parties or candidates to concede, (3) legal challenges to elections, (4) violence involving civilian deaths, (5) riots and protests after the election.
When using the data, please cite: International IDEA, Disputed Elections data set v1, 2024, https://www.idea.int/data-tools/data/disputed-elections.
Data file
The Disputed Elections data set v1 is available for download as an XLSX file. The codebook is included on a sheet within the file.