ICTs in Elections Database



Voter registration and identification
Processing of results
Usage of open source software in election administration
Online data publication by EMBs
Question Value
How is the national electoral register created?
If electoral register is created by the EMB, which method is used?
If electoral register is created by the EMB, what type of technology used for collecting registration data?
If the EMB uses technology to collect voter registration data, is biometric data captured and used during registration?
Is the biometric data used in voter identification at polling stations?
Is technology used for identifying voters at polling stations (electronic poll books)?
How technology is used in relation to paper voter lists?
Question Value
Is e-voting currently used in any elections with EMB participation?
If e-voting is currently being used, what type(s) of technology used?
If e-voting is currently being used, is it taking place in controlled or uncontrolled environment?
If e-voting is currently being used, is it available for all voters or only some groups of voters?
If e-voting is NOT currently being used, what is the current status of e-voting in general?
Question Value
Are official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system?
If official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system, at which level results are entered into an electronic tabulation system?
In the last national election, how many days did it take for the EMB to establish final results?
In the last national election, how many days did it take for the EMB to announce certified results?
Question Value
Does the country use open source software in electoral processes?
What are the key reasons for or against using open source systems?
What types of open source systems have been considered or used?
Question Value
Does the country provide individual online voter registration/polling assignment checks?
Does the country publish the statistical overview of voter lists online?
Does the country publish full voter registers at the polling station level online?
Does the country publish full voter registers at the national level online?
Does the country publish the lists of parties and/or candidates registered for elections online?
Does the country publish the election (voting) results online?
If the country publishes the election (voting) results online, what is the level of aggregation?
If the country publishes the election (voting) results online, what is the level of detail?
If the country publishes the election (voting) results online, what is the timing of publication of results?
If the country publishes the election (voting) results online, are historical results also available?
Does the country publish seat allocation data online?
Does the country publish candidate/party financing reports online?
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