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Model of electoral management



ConstitutionNet, Bermuda - Parliamentary Election Act 1978, accessed 3 March 2025

Part iii. Parliamentary registers

Section 6. Parliamentary Registrar and registration officers

1. The Governor shall appoint a Parliamentary Registrar (hereinafter referred to as "the Registrar") for the purposes of this Act, and may appoint such number of registration officers as are from time to time required to enable the Registrar to carry out his functions under this Part.

2. The Registrar shall be a public officer and every registration officer shall be deemed to be such an officer in carrying out his functions under this Act. 

3. Any duty of a registration officer under this Act may be performed by the Registrar. 

3. The Registrar may authorize any registration officer to exercise such powers and perform such duties on his behalf as he may in any case direct. 

5. Subject to this Act, the Registrar shall exercise general supervision and control over the conduct of Returning Officers in and about the conduct of elections. (6) Expenses incurred by the Registrar pursuant to this section shall be defrayed from moneys provided by the Legislature.

Electoral Management Bodies

Name of EMB Number of EMB members Term of office EMB members selected by Chair appointed/elected by Party or expert based membership
Parliamentary Registrar 1 Not specified Governor Not applicable Expert
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