Cyprus (North)
Model of electoral management
Northern Cyprus, Constitution 1985, accessed 15 January 2022
Article 69. The elections and referendums shall be held under the general direction and control of the judicial organs.
It shall be the duty of the High Electoral Council composed of judges, to take and cause to be taken all necessary action for the orderly administration and fairness of the elections and referendums from start to end, to examine and give a final decision, during and after the election or referendum, on all irregularities, complaints and objections on matters concerning the elections and the referendums and to accept the election records of the President of the Republic and of deputies.
The establishment, functions, duties and powers of the High Electoral Council and other election councils shall be regulated by law.
Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1), special provisions may be made by law for the general administration and control of local authority elections for villages or quarters.