Political Finance Database



Bans and limits on private income
Public funding
Regulations of spending
Reporting, oversight and sanctions
Question Value
1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties?

4. Donations shall not be allowed from: […]
(4) foreign states, foreign nationals and legal persons, as well as legal persons with foreign participation, where the stocks, unit, share of the foreign participant in the authorised (share, unit) capital of that legal person is more than 30 percent;
(5) international organisations;
Source: Art. 24.4(4-5), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016     

2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates?

2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016    

4. Is there a ban on corporate donations to candidates?

2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;
(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016     

6. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to candidates?

The list of allowed sources of income for candidates does not include donations from trade unions.


2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

7. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to political parties?

4. Donations shall not be allowed from: […]
(7) anonymous persons.
Source: Art. 24.4(7), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016     

8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates?

Anonymous payments to campaign funds are to be transferred to the state budget.


2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016     

10. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to candidates?

However, the Electoral Code of Armenia allows a political party that has nominated  a candidate to fund his/her campaign, while the parties themselves do not have restrictions on getting donations from corporations that have government contracts.


2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

11. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to political parties?

4. Donations shall not be allowed from: […]
(3) state and community non-commercial organisations, and commercial organisations with state and community participation;

Source: Art. 24.4(3), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016     

12. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to candidates?

Donations from corporations to candidates are banned.


2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
4. Amounts paid to accounts of campaign funds by natural and legal persons not referred to in parts 2 and 3 of this Article shall be transferred to the State Budget. Anonymous contributions made to the account of campaign funds shall also be transferred to the State Budget.

Source: Art. 26.2, 4, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

3. During the elections, the Public Radio and Public Television are obliged to provide non-discriminatory conditions for the candidates and the parties participating in the elections. […]
12. Newspapers and local self-government newspapers and magazines must provide non-discriminatory and nondiscriminatory conditions for candidates and parties participating in the elections during the election campaign.
Source: Art. 20.3, 12, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

1. It is prohibited to conduct pre-election campaign, disseminate any propaganda material, financial, informational means, territories, means of transport, means of transport, material and human resources provided for the implementation of official duties for the purpose of pre-election campaign, except "On Ensuring the Security of Persons Subject to Special State Protection".[…]
Source: Art. 23.1, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

14. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period?
Yes, for both natural and legal persons

2. The total amount of the donation made to the political party, as well as of the work and services performed for the political party (hereinafter referred to as “donation”), expressed in monetary terms, in the course of one year may not exceed one million-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, including:
(1) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one commercial organisation;
(2) one thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one non-commercial organisation;
(3) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one natural person.
Source: Art. 24.2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

15. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period, what is the limit?
Multiple of the minimum salary .

2. The total amount of the donation made to the political party, as well as of the work and services performed for the political party (hereinafter referred to as “donation”), expressed in monetary terms, in the course of one year may not exceed one million-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, including:
(1) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one commercial organisation;
(2) one thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one non-commercial organisation;
(3) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one natural person.
Source: Art. 24.2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

16. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election?
Yes, for both natural and legal persons

The same limit applies (whether in relation to an election or not).


2. The total amount of the donation made to the political party, as well as of the work and services performed for the political party (hereinafter referred to as “donation”), expressed in monetary terms, in the course of one year may not exceed one million-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, including:
(1) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one commercial organisation;
(2) one thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one non-commercial organisation;
(3) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one natural person.
Source: Art. 24.2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

17. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election, what is the limit?
Mutiple of the minimum salary.

2. The total amount of the donation made to the political party, as well as of the work and services performed for the political party (hereinafter referred to as “donation”), expressed in monetary terms, in the course of one year may not exceed one million-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, including:
(1) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one commercial organisation;
(2) one thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one non-commercial organisation;
(3) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one natural person.
Source: Art. 24.2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate?
Yes, for natural persons

3. Each individual may pay up to 500 times the minimum wage to the party (party bloc) pre-election fund.
Source: Art. 92., Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

19. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate, what is the limit?
500 times the minimum wage

3. Each individual may pay up to 500 times the minimum wage to the party (party bloc) pre-election fund.
Source: Art. 92.3, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

20. Is there a limit on the amount a candidate can contribute to their own election campaign?
Yes, specific limit for candidates

5 000-fold of the minimum salary


2. The political party (political parties included in the alliance of political parties jointly) running in elections shall have the right to make contributions to the fund of the political party (alliance of political parties) in the amount of up to 100 000-fold of the minimum salary, and the candidate included in the electoral list of a political party (alliance of political parties) running in elections — in the amount of up to 5 000-fold of the minimum salary.
Source: Art. 92.2, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

21. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to political parties?

2. The total amount of the donation made to the political party, as well as of the work and services performed for the political party (hereinafter referred to as “donation”), expressed in monetary terms, in the course of one year may not exceed one million-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, including:
(1) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one commercial organisation;
(2) one thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one non-commercial organisation;
(3) ten thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law, when received from one natural person.
3. In cases provided for by part 2 of this Article, the value of the property donated by one person to a political party may not exceed two hundred thousand-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law. Immovable property given to a political party in the form of donation may not be alienated within at least five years from the date of donation.
Source: Art. 24.2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

22. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to candidates?
No data
23. Is there a ban on political parties engaging in commercial activities?

1. A political party shall have the right, as prescribed by law, to:[…]
(3) establish mass media and publishing houses;[…]
3. A political party shall not have the right to be a founder or participant of a commercial legal person, except for cases provided for by this Article.

Source: Art. 21.1(3) and 21.3, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

24. Is there a ban on political parties taking loans in relation to election campaigns?

Parties have the right to receive loans, but the Law on political parties does not specify whether the loans are to be specifically related to election campaigns.


1. Political parties shall have the right to receive donations — in the form of property, including monetary funds, including credits, loans, repayment of debts of the political party by third persons — from natural and legal persons, except for the cases provided for by part 4 of this Article.
Source: Art. 24.1, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

25. Is there a ban on candidates taking loans in relation to election campaigns?

The list of allowed sources of income for candidates does not include loans.


2. The campaign fund of a candidate shall be formed from:
(1) his or her personal funds;

(2) funds provided by the political party that has nominated him or her;
(3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to elect.[…]
Source: Art. 26.2, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

26. Is there a ban on donors to political parties/candidates participating in public tender/procurement processes?
No data
27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system?

8. Allocations to political parties exceeding one hundred-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law shall be made without cash transfer.
Source: Art. 24.8, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

Question Value
28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties?
Yes, regularly

1. State funding of political parties shall be made at the expense of the funds of the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia. Such expenditures shall be reflected in the State Budget under a separate budget line.
2. The total amount of funds provided for by the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for funding of political parties may not be less than the product of 0,04-fold of the minimum salary prescribed by law and the total number of citizens included in the electoral lists during the latest elections to the National Assembly.

Source: Art. 26.1-2, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

29. What are the eligibility criteria for political parties to receive public funding?
  • Share of votes in previous election
  • Participation in election
  • Registration as a political party

3. Funds from the State Budget shall be allocated to the political party (alliance of political parties) the electoral list whereof has, during the latest elections of the National Assembly, received at least three percent of the total sum of the total number of votes cast in favour of electoral lists of all political parties having participated in the voting and the number of inaccuracies.
Source: Art. 26.3, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

30. What is the allocation calculation for political parties to receive public funding?
Proportional to votes received

4. Funds provided to political parties (alliances of political parties) from the State Budget shall be distributed among the political parties (alliances of political parties) pro rata with the votes cast in favour of them during the latest elections of the National Assembly.
Source: Art. 26.3, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

31. What are the provisions on 'ear marking' direct public funding to political parties (how it should be used)?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

32. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

1. State and local self-government bodies shall, as prescribed by law, on equal and non-discriminatory conditions, provide the following support to all the politicalparties:
(1) provide for an opportunity to use mass media founded with
the participation of state and local self-government bodies;
Source: Art. 25.1(1), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties?

1. State and local self-government bodies shall, as prescribed by law, on equal and non-discriminatory conditions, provide the following support to all the political parties:
(1) provide for an opportunity to use mass media founded with
the participation of state and local self-government bodies;
Source: Art. 25.1(1), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates?

1. In order to carry out the free and paid pre-election campaign of the party participating in the elections from the airtime of the Public Radio and Public Television during the National Assembly elections, the airtime shall be provided in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Electoral Commission.
2. The party participating in the elections has the right to use the free time of the public television for no more than 60 minutes free of charge, and the public radio broadcasting time - no more than 120 minutes.
Source: Art. 93.1-2, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

35. Are there provisions for any other form of indirect public funding?

1. State and local self-government bodies shall, as prescribed by law, on equal and non-discriminatory conditions, provide the following support to all the political
parties: […]
(2) provide the political parties with premises, means of communication belonging to them, with the priority right for the use thereof belonging to the political parties having participated in the distribution of mandates in the elections to the National Assembly;
Source: Art. 25.1(2), Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

2. The state ensures the free implementation of the pre-election campaign. It is provided by state and local selfgovernment bodies through pre-election rallies, voter meetings with candidates, and the provision of other halls and other facilities for organizing election-related events. They are provided to the parties participating in the elections of the Council of Elders of the National Assembly, Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor on an equal basis, free of charge, in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Electoral Commission. The halls of secondary schools can be provided to candidates and parties participating in the elections only after 18.00 or on non-working days, and only in those cases:

3. No later than 20 days after the appointment of the National Assembly, Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor Council of Elders elections, the Governor, and in Yerevan, the Mayor of Yerevan shall submit to the Central Electoral Commission the list of halls and other buildings provided to the parties participating in the elections free of charge. This list is posted on the Central Electoral Commission's website. The information is submitted in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Electoral Commission.
Source: Art. 19.2-3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

36. Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties tied to gender equality among candidates?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

37. Are there provisions for other financial advantages to encourage gender equality in political parties?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

Question Value
38. Is there a ban on vote buying?

6. During the pre-election campaign, as well as on the day before and on the day of voting, candidates, parties participating in the elections are prohibited from personally or on behalf of them or in any other way giving (promising) voters free of charge money, food, securities, goods or services (promise) services. : Charitable organizations whose names may be associated with the names of the parties participating in the elections, the names of the candidates, and during the election campaign may not be charitable in the communities where the elections are held, which are attended by those candidates, parties or candidates.
Source: Art. 19.6, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

40. If there are limits on the amount a political party can spend, what is the limit?
Not applicable
41. Are there limits on the amount a candidate can spend?

4. During the pre-election campaign, the party (bloc of parties) participating in the elections shall hold a pre-election campaign with the mass media, pre-election meetings and meetings with voters in order to organize halls, areas (except election headquarters), campaign posters, campaign prints and other materials. to finance the acquisition and preparation of all types of campaign materials (including printed materials) provided to voters ravunk to spend an amount not exceeding 500 000 times the minimum wage. In case of holding the second round of elections, the party (party bloc, new bloc) has the right to spend the remaining funds in its (new bloc member parties) pre-election fund.
5. In case of holding the second round of elections, the party (party bloc, new bloc) has the right to spend no more than 200,000 times the minimum wage in the directions defined by this part.
Source: Art. 92.4-5, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

42. If there are limits on the amount a candidate can spend, what is the limit?
500 000 times the minimum wage + 200,000 times the minimum wage in case of the second round of elections.

4. During the pre-election campaign, the party (bloc of parties) participating in the elections shall hold a pre-election campaign with the mass media, pre-election meetings and meetings with voters in order to organize halls, areas (except election headquarters), campaign posters, campaign prints and other materials. to finance the acquisition and preparation of all types of campaign materials (including printed materials) provided to voters ravunk to spend an amount not exceeding 500 000 times the minimum wage. In case of holding the second round of elections, the party (party bloc, new bloc) has the right to spend the remaining funds in its (new bloc member parties) pre-election fund.
5. In case of holding the second round of elections, the party (party bloc, new bloc) has the right to spend no more than 200,000 times the minimum wage in the directions defined by this part.
Source: Art. 92.4-5, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

43. Are there limits on the amount that third parties can spend on election campaign activities?
Yes, third parties banned from campaign spending

Electoral Code bans charitable organisations from carrying out their activity during election campaign.


6. […] Charitable organizations whose names may be associated with the names of the parties participating in the elections, the names of the candidates, and during the election campaign may not be charitable in the communities where the elections are held, which are attended by those candidates, parties or candidates.
Source: Art. 19.6, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

44. Are there limits on traditional media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?
Yes, for political parties

3. A party participating in the elections has the right to use the paid airtime of the public television for no more than 120 minutes on the basis of its pre-election fund, and not more than 180 minutes of the airtime of the public radio.
Source: Art. 93.3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns?

Source: Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

46. Do any other restrictions on online media advertisement (beyond limits) exist?

Source: Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

Question Value
47. Do political parties have to report regularly on their finances?

1. Political parties shall submit financial and accounting statements to state bodies in the anner and within the time limits prescribed by legislation for legal persons.
2. Every year, no later than March 25 following the reporting year, the political party shall be bliged to publish through mass media a statement on the sources of funds and the expenditures, as well as on the property of the political party during the reporting year (hereinafter referred to as “the statement”) and, in cases provided for by law, an audit opinion thereon, as well as to post it on the official web-site of public notifications of the Republic of Armenia, as prescribed.
3. After publishing its statement through mass media and posting it on the official web-site of public notifications of the Republic of Armenia, the political party shall be obliged to submit the statement and the evidence confirming the fact of its publication to the Oversight and Audit Service of the Central Electoral Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Oversight and Audit Service”) no later than April 1 following the reporting year.
Source: Art. 27.1-3, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances?

1. Candidates and parties participating in the elections shall submit a declaration on the payments made to their preelection funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service after the start of the pre-election campaign in the 10th, National Assembly, Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor Council of Elders elections on the 20th day. , as well as for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code. Attached to the declaration are candidates for campaigning through the media of the party participating in the elections, holding pre-election meetings and meetings with voters in the halls, renting areas (except for election headquarters), campaign posters, campaign printing and other materials. In case of holding the second round of elections to the National Assembly, the party participating in the second round shall submit a statement on the payments made to pre election funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code.
Source: Art. 28.1, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances?

1. Candidates and parties participating in the elections shall submit a declaration on the payments made to their preelection funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service after the start of the pre-election campaign in the 10th, National Assembly, Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor Council of Elders elections on the 20th day. , as well as for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code. Attached to the declaration are candidates for campaigning through the media of the party participating in the elections, holding pre-election meetings and meetings with voters in the halls, renting areas (except for election headquarters), campaign posters, campaign printing and other materials. In case of holding the second round of elections to the National Assembly, the party participating in the second round shall submit a statement on the payments made to pre election funds and their use to the Control and Audit Service for summarizing the election results no later than 3 days before the deadline set by this Code.
Source: Art. 28.1, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

50. Do third parties have to report on election campaign finances?
Third parties are banned from participating in campaigns

The Electoral Code bans charitable organisations from carrying out their activity during election campaign.


6. […] Charitable organizations whose names may be associated with the names of the parties participating in the elections, the names of the candidates, and during the election campaign may not be charitable in the communities where the elections are held, which are attended by those candidates, parties or candidates.
Source: Art. 19.6, Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public?

1. Political parties shall submit financial and accounting statements to state bodies in the anner and within the time limits prescribed by legislation for legal persons.
2. Every year, no later than March 25 following the reporting year, the political party shall be bliged to publish through mass media a statement on the sources of funds and the expenditures, as well as on the property of the political party during the reporting year (hereinafter referred to as “the statement”) and, in cases provided for by law, an audit opinion thereon, as well as to post it on the official web-site of public notifications of the Republic of Armenia, as prescribed.
3. After publishing its statement through mass media and posting it on the official web-site of public notifications of the Republic of Armenia, the political party shall be obliged to submit the statement and the evidence confirming the fact of its publication to the Oversight and Audit Service of the Central Electoral Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Oversight and Audit Service”) no later than April 1 following the reporting year.
Source: Art. 27.1-3, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors?

Source: Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016
Source: Electoral Code, 2016
(amended 2020)

53. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates include information on itemized income?

According to the Electoral Code, the declarations made by the candidates/parties have to indicate only the timeline and the amount of contributions.


3. The declaration shall state:

1) the chronology of the payments made to the pre-election fund, the amount of the paidamount;
2) Expenses incurred for the acquisition of each service, property, product defined by Part 1of Article 27 of this Code, the term of their execution, the data of the documents confirming the execution of the expenses;
3) the amount of money left in the fund.
Source: Art. 28.3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

54. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates include information on itemized spending?

3. The declaration shall state:
1) the chronology of the payments made to the pre-election fund, the amount of the paid amount;
2) Expenses incurred for the acquisition of each service, property, product defined by Part 1of Article 27 of this Code, the term of their execution, the data of the documents confirming the execution of the expenses;
3) the amount of money left in the fund.
Source: Art. 28.3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

55. Which institution(s) receives financial reports from political parties and/or candidates?
  • EMB
  • Auditing agency

1. The Audit and Oversight Service shall exercise supervision over financial activities of political parties.
Source: Art. 30.1, Constitutional Law on Political Parties, 2016

1. The Control and Supervision Service shall exercise control over the payments, expenses and their calculation, as well as the current financial activities of the parties. The Control and Supervision Service operates independently of the election commissions and is not accountable to them.
2. The position of the head of the control-control service is an autonomous position, the other two employees of the service are civil servants. The head of the Control and Audit Service is appointed by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission for a term of 7 years. The official rate of the head of the Control-Audit Service shall be determined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Remuneration of Persons Holding State Positions and State Service Positions". The head of the service cannot be a member of any party.
Source: Art. 29.1, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations?
  • EMB
  • Auditing agency

5. Within 7 days after receiving the applications on the use of funds in the pre-election funds of the candidates, the parties participating in the elections, the Control-Audit Service checks, but not later than one day before the deadline for summarizing the election results, makes a conclusion based on the results of the inspection. commission. The Central Electoral Commission is obliged to publish it immediately on the website of the Central Electoral Commission. In case of violations in the conclusion, the Central Electoral Commission is obliged to discuss it. A representative of the Control and Audit Service is invited to that sitting of the Central Electoral Commission.
Source: Art. 28.3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?
Refer for investigation Request additional information from potential violator Request additional information from others Impose sanctions Other

6. The powers of the Control and Audit Service are:
1) to receive relevant information, references, copies of documents on the financial inflows and outflows of candidates and parties participating in the elections from the banks where special special accounts have been opened for the formation of pre-election funds;
2) to receive relevant information, certificates, copies of documents from banks, parties, և suppliers of goods, services or other work organizations: copies of membership fees paid to the party, donations made to the party, budget financing, funds received from civil legal transactions, other revenues not prohibited by law on
3) to prepare draft decisions on issues related to its activities and to submit them to the discussion of the Central Electoral Commission;
Source: Art. 28.3, Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?
  • Fines
  • Forfeiture
  • Loss of nomination of candidate

3. If the conclusion of the Control and Audit Service states that the goods or services provided in the directions defined by Part 1 of this Article for the pre-election campaign were not included in the expenses of the pre-election fund at the market value, the Central Electoral Commission shall initiate administrative proceedings. If, as a result of the initiated proceedings, the information indicated by the conclusion of the Control and Audit Service is substantiated, an administrative penalty shall be applied to the candidate, the party participating in the elections, three times the expenses not included in the Fund's expenses.
4. If it is substantiated that the expenses incurred for the pre-election campaign of the candidate, the party participating in the elections, have exceeded the maximum amount of expenses incurred in the directions defined by Part 1 of this Article, the Central Electoral Commission shall initiate administrative proceedings. According to the information of the Control and Audit Service, an administrative penalty is applied to the candidate, the party participating in the elections. The maximum amount in excess of three-month rate of this Code.
5. If the difference between the amount spent for the pre-election campaign in the directions defined in Part 1 of this Article, the amount of the fine paid to the state budget defined in Parts 3 and 4 of this Article, the maximum amount of the pre-election fund exceeding the pre-election fund exceeds: 20% of the maximum amount defined by this Code, then on the basis of the application of the Central Electoral Commission the court invalidates the letter of the candidate, the electoral list of the party participating in the elections. worth.
Source: Article 27 (3-5), Electoral Code, 2016 (amended 2020)

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