Maximum adjudication time for the full EDR process (days)



time depends on the component of electoral system (see comments)

Article 46. 11. An application on declaringas null and void the registration of a candidate, the registration of theelectoral list of a political party (or alliance of political parties), or theregistration of a candidate included in such electoral list may be filed priorto the voting day. The decision of the territorial electoral commission on theregistration of a candidate may be appealed in the Central Electoral Commissionwithin three days of the day on which the applicant learnt or was reasonablyobliged to learn about the violation, but no later than the day preceding thevoting day.


Electoral Code of Armenia (2011)



Article 146. 5. Cases related to theregistration, re-registration or declaring the registration of candidates andparty lists invalid are solved within 5 calendar days of the day when the courtreceived the relevant appeal, but not later than 1 calendar day before theelection


The Administrative Procedure Code of Armenia(2007)

Source: Armenian) Russian)

Majoritarian Component:

the length of appeal procedure in the CEC +5 days (time frame theAdministrative Court has to make the decision)




PR Component:

5 days


Neither the ElectoralCode nor the Administrative Procedure Code provide for the timing by which 1)Central electoral Commission should make a decision on the appeal; 2) how manydays after the decision of the Central Electoral Commission does the applicanthave to appeal to the last instance body-Administrative Court. The legislationonly says that the appeal to CEC should be within 3 days since the applicantlearnt about the violation of her/his right; and that the Administrative Courtshould make a decision on an appeal submitted to it within 5 days.


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