Last instance body dealing with electoral disputes



Administrative Court



Article 118. 1. The decision of aterritorial electoral commission to deny or to declare as invalid the registrationof a candidate for a deputy may be challenged in the procedure and time framesprescribed by the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.


PR Component

Article 112. 1. A CentralElectoral Commission decision to deny or to declare as invalid the registrationof the electoral list of a political party or alliance of political parties ora candidate included therein may be challenged in the procedure and timeprescribed by the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.


Electoral Code of Armenia (2011)


The legislationallows for two levels of adjudication only for the EDR on registration ofcandidates for the majoritarian component of elections. Thus the decision ofthe territorial commission on (declining) registration can be disputed first atCEC. The decision of the CEC can be further appealed in the AdministrativeCourt. Decision on party registration for the PR component of the parliamentaryelection and candidate registration for presidential elections can only bedisputed at one level: the Administrative Court

The legislation does not provide for any furtherinstances of EDR on candidate/party legislation after the Administrative Court.As Article 150.1 of the Administrative Procedure Code states, the decision ofthe Administrative Court on election related disputes are final and are notsubject to further appeals to the Court of Appeals, Court of Cassation, andConstitutional Court or anywhere else. Given that the Administrative Court isthe only instance of EDR on party/presidential candidate registration I mentionthe court, and the procedures of EDR to the court both as a first and as a lastinstance body.
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