13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Congo, Democratic Republic of
Article 36'The use for electoral purposes of property, finances and staff of the State, enterprises, institutions and public bodies and semi-public companies. The use of the property, finances and public staff referred to above is punishable by the cancellation of the candidacy or the cancellation of the list of the political party, the political group or the self-employed who are guilty of it or whose candidate is guilty of it.'Loi Electorale , Fevrier 2006
Article 25: 'The registered political party may receive grants from the State. A law determines the conditions and nature of subsidies allocated to political parties. No political party may use state property or personnel on pain of dissolution.'
Source LAW N ° 04/002 OF MARCH 15, 2004