13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

No employee may use national or state time, equipment, facilities, assets or property for political activities or other private activities that serve no governmental or public purpose.
Source: Article 603, Palau National Code, Title 33 Public Employment Chapter 6 Code of Ethics revised edition April 2014
(a) Government broadcast facilities may be made available to candidates within the Republic, except on the day of election, pursuant to the discretion of the Election Commission. The Election Commission shall afford each candidate equal opportunity in the use of government broadcast facilities. If the Election Commission cannot provide equal opportunities to the candidates in the use of government broadcast facilities, then no candidate shall be allowed their use whatsoever. Each candidate shall advise the Election Commission not later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to his intended use of government broadcast facilities. Failure to notify the Election Commission of the proposed use of the above described facilities within the prescribed time limit may disqualify the candidate from the use of these government facilities.
(b) No government facilities other than broadcast facilities may be made available to candidates.
Source: Article 1546, Palau National Code, Title 23 Elections revised edition April 2014
No national or state equipment, facilities, assets, property or working hours by employee may be used for political activities.