13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Burkina Faso
“The use by political parties or organizations of goods and services of the State, other than the supports and subsidies provided by the law is prohibited under penalty of sanctions of the Criminal Code." Source: Article 3, Loi N° 008-2009/AN portant financement des partis et formations politiques et des campagnes électorales, 2009
"The use of the attributes, property or resources of the State, such as those of a public moral person, an institution or a public body including a company, an office, a state project and an international institution for electoral purposes is prohibited under penalty provided for in Chapter VIII of Title I of this law." Source: Article 68c, Loi n005-2015/CNT portatn modification de la loi n014-2001/AN du 03 juillet 2001 portant code electoral, 2015