13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate?

Article 9:
The use of state property and funds not provided for in the Law is prohibited.
(Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan, On Elections to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, 1999 avaliable at http://base.mmk.tj/view_sanadhoview.php?showdetail=&sanadID=6 accessed January 2018).
Campaign finance is regulated by the PEL and CCER regulations. Each candidate and political party received, respectively, TJS 3,000 and TJS 30,000 of public campaign funding in cash. Parties and candidates are also permitted to fund campaigns from their own resource as well as through donations received from individuals and legal entities, except from foreign or state-owned sources. Donations to candidates and parties were capped, respectively, at TJS 4,000 and TJS 20,000. The total campaign fund of a party could not exceed TJS 1.2 million and that of a candidate could not exceed TJS 60,000. Most parties stated that they lacked the necessary funds, from both public and private sources, to mount an effective campaign.
(OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission Final Report, Parliamentary Elections, March 2015, Republic of Tajikistan, available at http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/tajikistan/158081?download=true accessed January 2018).