35. Are there provisions for any other form of indirect public funding?




"Section 63       The revenue and property received by a political party under this Organic Act shall be exempt from taxation under the Revenue Code."

Source: Section 63, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)

"Section 59       The Election Commission shall determine the rules governing the operations of the State to support an election in the following matters:

            (1) providing places for posting up notices and a posters relating to the election in the area of a public place owned by the State, sufficiently and equally for the purpose of an election campaign, to every candidate and every political party;

            (2) publishing and circulating documents relating to the election and candidates to voters;

            (3) providing places for candidates to run an election campaign equally. In this connection, the State may provide any entertainment or other activity to persuade the voters to attend such election campaign but such provisions shall not be engaged in supporting a particular candidate or political party;

            (4) prescribing rules and time for a political party to run an election campaign through the radio and television broadcasting or to be on air through the radio and television broadcasting which shall afford equal opportunities to every political party;

            (5) State supports in other activities as prescribed by the Election Commission.

            To assure the good order of an election, the Election Commission shall determine and publish regulations relating to the practice or prohibitions to be observed during an election in the Royal Gazette."

Source: Section 59, Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives and Installation of Senators, 2007

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