60. If a particular institution is responsible for overseeing compliance with existing rules against abuse of state resources, what powers is it granted?



Refer for investigation Carry out investigation Request additional information from potential violator Request additional information from others

Article 48, Election Code of Georgia, 2011.


According to the Georgian legislation, an Interagency Commission is set up under the auspices of the Ministry for Justice of Georgia. The composition of an Interagency Commission is determined by an order of the Minister for Justice of Georgia, while the rules of operation of the Interagency Commission is determined by its statute approved by the Minister for Justice of Georgia. The Interagency Commission shall be convened by the commission chairperson when necessary, but at least once in two weeks, and after the registration period for electoral subjects expires - at least once a week. Qualified electoral subjects, as well as political unions that inform an Interagency Commission about any violation of the electoral legislation by public officers, shall participate in the commission activity with a deliberative vote. An Interagency Commission shall consider issues related to information disseminated through the media about violation of electoral legislation by public officers, as well as information about violations reported to the Interagency Commission by political unions (electoral subjects), or observer organizations. To ensure the publicity of activities of Interagency Commissions, the representatives of domestic and international observer organizations may be invited to the commission session. If any statement of violation is confirmed, the commission has the right to recommend to any public officer, an administrative body, or the Central Election Commission to take respective measures within a reasonable time.

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