9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?




Art. 24 (1) - "Parties shall have the right to receive donations from individuals and legal entities including property, including cash, including loans, borrowings, and third party payments, except for the cases provided by Part 4 of this Article."

Art. 24 (4) - "Donations are not allowed from: 1) charitable or religious organizations as well as organizations with their participation; 2) State and community budgets and (or) extra-budgetary means, except for financing pursuant to Article 26 of this Law; 3) state and community non-profit organizations and trade organizations with public and community participation; 4) foreign entities, foreign citizens and legal entities, as well as legal entities with foreign participation, if the stocks, shares, shares of a foreign participant are more than 30% in the charter capital of the legal entity; 5) from international organizations; 6) stateless persons; 7) anonymous persons."

Source: Article 24 (1) and (4), The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Parties, 2016 (in force since April 1,2017)

Art. 26 (3) - "The campaign fund of a political party (alliance of political parties) running in the elections shall be formed from: (1) funds of that political party (member political parties of the alliance); (2) personal funds of a candidate included in the candidate list of the political party (alliance of political parties) running in the elections; (3) voluntary contributions by persons having the right to vote."

Source: Article 26(3), Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, 2016

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