9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties?




Art 8.b, 'Ett parti, en partif?rening och en partin?ra sammanslutning f?r inte ta emot bidrag fr?n staten, kommuner, samkommuner, statliga eller kommunala aff?rsverk, offentligr?ttsliga f?reningar, inr?ttningar eller stiftelser eller fr?n bolag som staten eller en kommun har best?mmande inflytande i p? det s?tt som avses i 1 kap. 5 ? i bokf?ringslagen (1336/1997). Detta g?ller dock inte anv?ndning av lokaler och sedvanlig g?stfrihet.' (Source: Partilag, 1969)

The party, the party association and the party's close community may not receive support from the state, municipality, municipal association, state or municipal business institution, public law association, institution or foundation, nor from a company controlled by the state or municipality as referred to in Chapter 1 § 5 of the Accounting Act (1336/1997). However, this does not apply to the use of business premises or usual hospitality. (Act on Political Parties (1969) last amended in 2010)


Does not mention corporations with government contracts but company controlled by state or municipality.

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