57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations?



Carry out investigation

Article 116

1. The Auditor-General assisted by the Deputy Auditor-General shall, on behalf of the Republic, control all disbursements and receipts and audit and inspect all accounts of moneys and other assets administered, and of liabilities incurred, by or under the authority of the Republic and for this purpose he shall have the right of access to all books, records and returns relating to such accounts and to places where such assets are kept.

2. The Auditor-General assisted by the Deputy Auditor-General shall exercise all such other powers and shall perform all such other functions and duties as are conferred or imposed on him by law.

3. The powers, functions and duties of the Auditor-General provided in this Chapter may be exercised by him in person or by such subordinate officers acting under and in accordance with his instructions.

4. The Auditor-General shall submit annually a report on the exercise of his functions and duties under this Chapter to the President and the Vice-President of the Republic who shall cause it to be laid before the House of Representatives. Source: Article 116 of the Constitution


Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus, Legal Framework: webpage  http://www.audit.gov.cy/audit/audit.nsf/legislation_en/legislation_en?OpenDocument. Article 116 from the Constitution.

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