53. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates include information on itemized income?




"Section 59       The accounts of a political party and its branches shall consist of a(n):

            (1) journal showing revenue, funds received and expended;

            (2) record of donations;

            (3) ledger;

            (4) account showing assets and liabilities.

            The posting of account entries under paragraph one must be accompanied by details and supporting documentation within the timeline prescribed by the Election Commission.

Section 60       A political party must close its accounts by the last day each calendar year.

            In closing its accounts, it shall prepare financial statements which, at a minimum, consist of a balance sheet and statements of receipt and expenditure;

            A balance sheet must contain particulars of the political party’s assets, liabilities and funds. It must clearly states sources of revenue under Section 62 as well as the expenditure in political party operations, especially electoral expenses, and other details as prescribed by the Election Commission.

            The financial statement must be audited and certified by an authorized auditor."

Source: Sections 59-60, Organic Act on Political Parties, 2017 (Unofficial translation by the researcher)

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