Electoral system for the president




Art 5: The President of the Republic, National Assembly members and local self-government bodies shall be elected directly. Voting by proxy shall be prohibited.

Art 64: (1) During presidential elections, the entire territory of the Republic of Armenia shall be regarded as a single majoritarian electoral district. (2) The President of the Republic shall be elected by the system of absolute majority and, in the second round, relative majority.

Art 84: (1) The Central Electoral Commission shall pass a decision on electing the President of the Republic of Armenia, according to which the candidate in favor of whom have voted more than half of the voters that voted for all the candidates shall become the next President of the Republic of Armenia. (2) If one candidate is running, he shall be elected, if more than half of those participating in the voting have voted for him.

Art 85: (1) If more than two candidates were running, and none of them received the required number of votes, then, on the 14th day after the voting, a second round of voting for the President of the Republic shall be held. The two candidates who have received the most votes may run in the second round of voting. (2) In the second round, the candidate for whom more voters have voted shall be elected.
Data is for Presidential Elections in 2007 & 2008. 
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