Electoral system family



Art 103: Elections of the National Assembly shall be conducted under the proportional and majoritarian electoral systems. 90 deputies shall be elected under the proportional electoral system from one multi-mandate constituency covering the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia, from among candidates for deputies nominated by political parties (alliance of political parties) in the electoral lists. 41 deputies shall be elected under the majoritarian electoral system: one deputy shall be elected per constituency. 
Art 125 [Summarization of the National Assembly Election Results under the Proportional Electoral System]: (2) The mandates envisaged for the proportional electoral system of the National Assembly shall be distributed among the electoral lists of those political parties and alliances of political parties, which receive at least five percent of the “for” votes (in case of parties) and seven percent of the “for” votes (in case of alliances of political parties), respectively, of the sum of the total number of “for” votes and the inaccuracy amount. If the electoral list of only one political party or one alliance of political parties has received, respectively , at least five or seven percent of the “for” votes of the sum of the total number of “for” votes and the inaccuracy amount, then the next two political parties (alliances of political parties) that received the highest respective numbers of “for” votes shall participate in the distribution of mandates. If up to three political parties (alliances of political parties) participate in the National Assembly election under the proportional electoral system, all the parties (alliances of political parties) shall participate in the distribution of mandates. 
(3) The mandates envisaged for the proportional electoral system of the National Assembly shall be distributed among the electoral lists of political parties or alliances of political parties in proportion to the number of “for” votes cast in favor of each of them. The calculation of the number of seats available for the electoral list of each political party or alliance of political parties shall be carried out in the following manner: the number of “for” votes cast in favor of each list shall be multiplied by the number of mandates available for the electoral lists; the product shall be divided by the total number of “for” votes cast in favor of electoral lists participating in the distribution of mandates, then integers shall be distinguished, which shall be the number of mandates available to each electoral list. 
Art 126 [Summarization of the National Assembly Election Results under the Majoritarian Electoral System]: (2) A candidate voted for by the greatest number of voters shall be elected as a deputy. 
(3) Where only one candidate is voted, he shall be elected if voted for by more than half of the participants in the voting.
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