Electoral system family




Electoral Law of Mozambique Act No. 7/04 of 17th of June

Article 152
Electoral Procedures

152.1 The deputies of the Assembly of the Republic are elected through plurinominal lists in each electoral constituency, by a single vote cast per voter on the list.

Article 156
Election Criterion

The conversion of votes into mandates is made through the proportional representation method and the d’ Hondt system, in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Separate totals are calculated for the number of the votes cast for each list within the respective electoral constituency;
  2. The number of votes cast for each list is divided successively by 1,2,3,4,5, etc., and thereafter the quotients are aligned in order of their size, in a series of as many the terms as the mandates assigned to the respective electoral constituency;
  3. The mandates are allocated to the lists that correspond with the terms of series established by the previous clause, and each of the lists will receive as many terms as the mandates assigned to their respective electoral constituency;
  4. In those cases in which there is only one mandate to be given and in which the successive terms of series are equal, the mandate will be given to the application that obtains the lower number of votes.


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