Electoral system family



Electoral Code of Armenia (1999, amended 2007)

Art 95: (1) National Assembly elections shall be held under proportional and majoritarian systems. (2) Ninety National Assembly members (MPs) shall be elected under proportional system from a single multi-mandate electoral district covering the entire country, from among candidates included in party electoral lists. (3) Forty-one MPs shall be elected under majoritarian system - one MP from each electoral district.

Art 115: (2) The National Assembly mandates for the proportional contest shall be distributed between the electoral lists of parties and party alliances that have respectively received at least 5 percent and7 percent of votes from the sum of the total number of valid votes and the number of inaccuracies. If only one party’s or party alliance’s electoral list received at least 5 percent and 7 percent of the sum of the total number of valid votes and the number of inaccuracies, respectively, then two parties (party alliances) that have received the next highest number of votes shall participate in the distribution of mandates. If up to three parties (party alliances) run in National Assembly elections under proportional system, then all the parties (party alliances) shall participate in distribution of mandates.

(3) National Assembly mandates for the proportional system shall be distributed between party (party alliance) electoral lists proportionately to the number of ballots voted for each of them. The number of mandates for every party shall be calculated as follows: the number of ballots voted for each list shall be multiplied by the number of mandates available for electoral lists, then the product shall be divided by the total number of ballots voted for all electoral lists contesting the mandates. Then the whole number (without fractions) shall be separated - this shall be the number of mandates for each electoral list.

(4) The remaining mandates shall be distributed among electoral lists by the magnitude of residuals, with the principle of one mandate to each. If the residuals are equal, the contested mandate shall be given to the list that received a higher number of votes; if that number is equal, the matter shall be settled by drawing a lot, in accordance with procedures established by the Central Electoral Commission.

(5) Candidates, whose consecutive number in the electoral list is smaller or equal to the number of mandates to be given to that list, shall be considered elected by the party’s (party alliance’s) electoral list.

(6) If a candidate elected to the National Assembly under proportional system has also been elected under majoritarian system, then his or her mandate shall be given to the candidate who is next in the electoral list.

Art 116: (2) Candidate for whom the largest number of voters have voted shall be considered elected an MP. (3) If one candidate is running, he shall be elected, if more than half of those participating in the voting have voted for him.

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