Electoral system for national legislature

United States

United States


United States House of Representatives, official website (accessed 2013-02-12), http://www.house.gov/content/learn/

United States Code, 1926 (last amended 2006), http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/2/2c


United States House of Representatives, official website:

“As per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress’s two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government’s legislative branch. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.”


United States Code:

Title 2, Chapter 1, Paragraph 2c:

In each State entitled in the Ninety-first Congress or in any subsequent Congress thereafter to more than one Representative under an apportionment made pursuant to the provisions of section 2a (a) of this title, there shall be established by law a number of districts equal to the number of Representatives to which such State is so entitled, and Representatives shall be elected only from districts so established, no district to elect more than one Representative (except that a State which is entitled to more than one Representative and which has in all previous elections elected its Representatives at Large may elect its Representatives at Large to the Ninety-first Congress).


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