Electoral system for national legislature



List PR

Electoral Law of Mozambique, Law No. 7/2007 of 26th February 2007

Article 161
Form of Election

161.1 The deputies of the House of Assembly are elected from a multinomial list in each electoral constituency, having the voter the right of a single vote on the list.

Article 164
Criteria of election

The conversion of votes into mandates is made in accordance to the method of proportional representation and in accordance with the method of high Hondt media, obeying the following rules.

  1. Its counted in a separated way the number of votes received by each list of the respective electoral constituency.
  2. The number of votes counted from each list is successively divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 etc, the quotients are lined in a decreasing order from its greatness in a serial of many terms in regarding to the mandates attributed to the respective electoral constituency.
  3. The mandates belong to the lists from which are corresponding the terms of the established serials of the previous rules, receiving each list as many mandates as the terms of the serial.
  4. In case of remaining only one mandate to distribute and equals to the different lists and the following terms of the serial, the mandate will be conferred to the list which might have obtained minor number of votes.

The Mozambique elections are conducted through a closed-list proportional representation system in multi-member constituencies. The proportional representation system was adopted to help deepen the reconciliation process between the resistance group turned political party, RENAMO, and the ruling administration.

The conversion of votes into seats was in accordance with the d’Hondt method, with a 5% threshold.

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