Voting method




Office Of The Electoral Commissioner, Press Comuniqué National Assembly Elections 2024: Voting by Proxy, accessed 4 November 2024.

Office Of The Electoral Commissioner, How Do Mauritius Vote By Proxy, accessed 4 November 2024.

Office of the Electoral Commissioner, Services, Voting by Proxy, accessed 4 November 2024:

"Persons Entitled to Vote by Proxy 

The electoral laws and regulations of Mauritius make provision for voting by proxy for the following categories of electors: 

1. any member of the Police or any election officer engaged in the performance of duties on election day;

2. any service elector or any elector, other than a service elector who is serving as Ambassador, High Commissioner, or other principal representative of Mauritius abroad, or a member of the household; or a public officer performing duties on behalf of the Government of Mauritius; 

3. any candidate duly nominated for election; 

4. any public officer who is an elector in Rodrigues and who is serving in the Island of Mauritius; 

5. any public officer who is an elector in any Constituency in the Island of Mauritius and who is serving in Rodrigues."


Voting by Proxy (limited). 

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