Election type



  • Legislative
  • Referendums

Belize, Representation of the People Act, Chapter 9, Revised Edition 2000, accessed 22 December 2020

Third Schedule: Representation of the People Election Rules

19.-(1) Not withstanding rule 18 above, a person falling in the categories specified in paragraphs (a) to (e) of subrule (2) below shall be eligible, subject to the provisions of this Rule, to vote by proxy.
(2) The categories referred to in subrule (1) above are:
(a) persons employed outside Belize in any Belizean Embassy, High Commission, Diplomatic Mission or Consulate, including their spouses and dependents;
(b) members of the Belize Defence Force; [...]

Note: There is no distinction in the law as to in which elections they can take part, so it would be all kinds of elections.




Subject to subrule (7)above, any person who, having appointed a proxy, votes or attempts to vote inperson at an election for which the proxy has been appointed commits an offenceand shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundreddollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to bothsuch fine and term of impriso

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