Election type



  • Presidential
  • Legislative
  • Referendums

Electoral Code Of Armenia 2011

Section 3, Chapter 11, Article 60.

SECTION 3 Voting; Summarizing The Results Of Voting

Chapter 11 Organization Of Voting

Article 60. Organization of voting in diplomatic and consular representations

1. Electors who are –– on the voting day –– on diplomatic service in diplomatic and consular representations of the Republic of Armenia, as well as members of their families residing abroad with them and having the right to vote, may participate in national elections, by voting electronically within the time limits and as prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission. The Central Electoral Commission shall be obliged to define such conditions for electronic voting that would guarantee the free expression of the will of voters and confidentiality of the voting.

2. Electronic voting may be held after the end of the time limit established for the registration of electoral lists of candidates and political parties (alliance of political parties), but not later than five days prior to the voting day.

3. The provisions of this Article extend also to persons — employed at representations abroad of legal persons registered in the Republic of Armenia (irrespective of the form of ownership) — and their family members residing with them abroad and having the right to vote.

The Law On Referendum Of The Republic Of Armenia 2001

CHAPTER VII. The Procedure for preparation and conduct of voting

Article27: Preparation and conduct of voting In diplomatic and consular missions: preparation and conduct of voting for the arrested and detained

The procedure for preparation and conduct of voting in the diplomatic and consular missions, the preparation and conduct of voting of arrested, detained, including procedure for penetration into the precinct center, registration of the citizens eligible for participation in the referendum, the procedure of the voting is defined in the RA Electoral Code.


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