Election type



No external voting

Bermuda, Parliamentary Election Act 1978 (No 1978:23) (last amended 27 July 2020), accessed 1 October 2020

Meaning of resident and ordinarily resident

2 (5) A person shall not be deemed to have changed his place of residence by reason only of his absence from Bermuda for a period of not more than six months if he intends to continue to reside in Bermuda.

Entitlement to vote

4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person is entitled to vote at a parliamentary election in a constituency if, and only if, on the polling day, he is registered as an elector in the parliamentary register of that constituency.

(2) Notwithstanding that a person may be registered in the parliamentary register of a constituency, he is not entitled to vote at a parliamentary election in that constituency if, on the polling day—

a) he has ceased to be a Commonwealth citizen; or

b) he has ceased to be ordinarily resident in Bermuda; or

c) he is registered in the parliamentary register of another constituency; or

d) he is disqualified from voting at a parliamentary election under section 71; or

e) he is in prison or detained in a senior training school or having been sentenced to a term of imprisonment, preventive detention or corrective training the adjudged term of his sentence has not yet expired, unless he is then released on licence, has been granted a free pardon or has been granted remission under section 10 of the Prisons Act 1979 [title 10 item 32]; or

f) he is a person suffering from mental disorder within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1968 [title 11 item 36] or is otherwise adjudged to be of unsound mind under any statutory provision.

[Section 4 subsection (2)(e) amended by 2020 : 34 s. 3 effective 27 July 2020]

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