Does the country publish full voter registers at the national level online?



Yes, machine readable

Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia (as of 30th June 2016)

Article 13
Accessibility of lists of electors

13.2 During elections of the National Assembly, the Councils of Elders of Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, the authorised body shall post the list of electors by electoral precincts 40 days and 4 days before the voting day, on website. The lists of electors posted on the website by electoral precincts must be downloadable.

International Election Observation Mission (Parliamentary Elections, 2 April 2017)

“For the first time, scanned copies of signed voter lists from PECs will be published, which all IEOM interlocutors regarded as an important deterrent of voter impersonation despite the disclosure of voter’s private data.”


The national voter register is available on the site of the Police of the Republic of Armenia before the corresponding elections which can be accessed here. Currently, this list is not available for public scrutiny. 

Alternatively, signed copies of the voter list is available here, while an excel sheet of electronic voters is available for download here

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