If official election results processed by an electronic tabulation system, at which level results are entered into an electronic tabulation system?



Between polling station level and central level (see comments)

Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia (as of 30th June 2016)

Article 73 
Actions of district electoral commission after receiving the protocols of precinct electoral commissions

73.2 The district electoral commission shall enter, as prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission, the data of protocols on the voting results in the electoral precinct into a computer by means of special software. The software shall ensure reasonable guarantees against errors generated by the incorrect data input. The district electoral commission shall regularly but no less than every 3 hours, print the tabulation of the voting results. The tabulation certified by the signatures of the district electoral commission chairperson (deputy chairperson) and the secretary, and by the seal of the commission shall immediately be posted at the commission, in a place visible to all. The district electoral commission shall complete the entry into a computer of data of protocols on the voting results in electoral precincts no later than within 20 hours after the end of voting. The district electoral commission shall tabulate the voting results according to electoral precincts, as well as total results.


The mentioned software connects Territorial Electoral Commissions and the Central Electoral Commission. At precinct level, the commission members fill in the results manually in a protocol, sign it and transport to the Territorial Electoral Commissions.

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