If e-voting is currently being used, is it available for all voters or only some groups of voters?



  • Voters from abroad
  • Military voters

Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia (as of 30th June 2016)

Article 62
Organization of voting in diplomatic and consular representations

62.1 Electors who are on diplomatic service in diplomatic or consular representations of the Republic of Armenia, as well as members of their families residing abroad with them and having the right to elect, in case of being outside of the territory of the Republic of Armenia, on the voting day, may participate in elections of the National Assembly by voting electronically in the manner and within the time limits prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission. The Central Electoral Commission shall be obliged to establish such terms for electronic voting that would ensure free expression of will of voters and secrecy of voting. Electors voting electronically shall give their votes only to political parties running in elections.

62.3 The provisions of this Article shall also extend to military servants seconded for a long period of time to or those studying in foreign states, as well as to persons employed at representations of legal persons registered in the Republic of Armenia, which are located abroad (irrespective of the form of ownership), and their family members residing with them abroad and having the right to elect.

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