If e-voting is currently being used, what type(s) of technology used?

United States

United States

  • Direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines with and without voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT)
  • Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) or Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Some states allow overseas and military voter to send ballots electronically.



Electronic systems include a broad range of DREsystems, such as those that use touch screens and/or keyboards to record votes.  In addition, voting systems that use electronicballots and transmit official vote data from the polling place to anotherlocation over a public network are now designated as Public Network DRE VotingSystems. Some paper-based systems encompass both punchcards andoptically scanned ballots. It needs to be noted that 32 states allow military and overseas voters to return ballots electronically. 

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