Who prosecutes election-related criminal offences?



Public prosecutor

Article 4. 1. In accordance with Article 103 of theConstitution, the Prosecution shall, in the cases and procedure stipulated bylaw:

1)Instigate criminal prosecution;

2)Supervise the lawfulness of inquest and investigation;

3)Defend the charges in court;

4) Filecourt claims on the protection of state interests;

5)Appeal against court judgments, rulings, and decisions; and

6)Supervise the lawfulness of the enforcement of sentences and other compulsorymeasures.


The Lawon the Prosecution (2007)


Source: http://parliament.am/legislation.php?sel=show&ID=2959&lang=eng


Article 52. 1. The prosecutor is a state official, whoconducts, within the limits of his/her competence, at all stages of thecriminal procedure, the criminal prosecution, supervises the legitimacy of thepreliminary investigation and inquest, supports the prosecution in court,appeals against the court verdicts and other decisions. The prosecutingattorney supporting the prosecution in court is called the prosecutor.

2. Theprosecutor is entitled to lodge to the accused or to a person, who bearsproprietary responsibility for the actions of the latter, a claim [suit] inprotection of the interests of the state.

3.During the exercise of his/her powers at the proceedings of criminal case theprosecutor is independent and submits only to law. He/she shall execute thelegitimate instructions of the superior prosecutor. If the subordinateprosecutor considers the instruction illegitimate, he/she appeals it to asuperior prosecutor without executing it.


CriminalProcedure Code of Armenia (1998)

Source: http://parliament.am/law_docs/010998HO248eng.pdf?lang=eng
The relevant laws donot specifically describe who prosecutes election related criminal offenses. Itseems from the wording that there is no body entitled to prosecute other thanthe Public Prosecutor
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