Who carries out investigation for election-related criminal offenses?



Police Special investigator

Article 24. 1. Cases related to dissemination oflibellous information about a candidate, a party (association of parties) duringelections. (Article 151 of the Criminal Code); breach of the procedure forcompilation of voters lists (Article 152 of the Criminal Code); voting morethan once or instead of another person (Article 153 of the Criminal Code) areinvestigated by the police

6. Casesinvolving hindrance to implementation of the right to elect, to the work ofelection commissions or to the implementation of the authority of the personparticipating in elections (Article 149 of the Criminal Code); forgery ofelection or voting results. (article 150 of the Criminal Code), Forgery ofelectoral ballots or envelops for ballots (Article 1541 of theCriminal Code introduce through the Amendment to the Criminal Code from22/12/2006) as well as prevention of the free will expression of the voter areinvestigated by the Special Investigations Service.



Amendmentto the Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia (2007) (In Armenian)



SpecialInvestigations Service

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