First instance body dealing with electoral disputes



  • EMB (highest level)
  • Administrative Court


Article 46. 6.

11. The decision of the territorialelectoral commission on the registration of a candidate may be appealed in theCentral Electoral Commission within three days of the day on which theapplicant learnt or was reasonably obliged to learn about the violation, but nolater than the day preceding the voting day.

Electoral Code ofArmenia (2011)


PR Component

Article 112. 1. A Central ElectoralCommission decision to deny or to declare as invalid the registration of theelectoral list of a political party or alliance of political parties or acandidate included therein may be challenged in the procedure and timeprescribed by the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.

The EMB (highest level) is only for the Majoritarian Component


The Electoral Codeprovides for two different levels of adjudication. The decision of theterritorial election commission on the registration of the candidate for theMajoritarian Component of legislative elections can be appealed first to theCEC, and later on in to the last instance body - the Administrative Court. Thedecision on registering or declining a registration of party lists andpresidential candidates is done by the CEC itself. The decision can thus be disputedonly in one instance - the Administrative Court.

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