First instance body dealing with electoral disputes




Niue Assembly Act 1966, Part 3 Electors and Electoral Rolls

18 Objections to registration

Any name on any roll may be objected toeither by the Registrar in charge of that roll or by an elector whose nameappears on that roll, on the ground that the person whose name is objected tois not qualified to be registered or is not qualified to be registered on theroll on which his name appears.


19 Objection by an elector

If the objection is by an elector, thefollowing provisions shall apply –

(a) The objection shall be in writinglodged with the Registrar in charge setting forth the grounds thereof, and maybe in form 3;

20 Objection by Registrar

If the objection is by the Registrar incharge of any roll, the following provisions shall apply –

(a) The Registrar shall give notice inwriting to the person objected to of the grounds of the objection and intimatein the notice that, unless notice of appeal is given within a time stated(being not less than 4 clear days), the name of the person objected to will beremoved from the roll without further proceedings;

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