Maximum adjudication time for the full EDR process (days)



20 days

Article 48. Recount of the Voting Results

1. A candidate or proxy who was present inthe process of summarizing the voting results in the electoral precinct, ora  precinct electoral commission memberwho recorded his special opinion on the procedure by which the voting resultswere summarized in the protocol of the voting results in the electoralprecinct, shall have the right, in the procedure and time periods prescribed bythis Code, to appeal the voting results in the electoral precinct concerned bymeans of filing with the territorial electoral commission an application forrecounting the voting results in the electoral precinct (hereinafter “arecount”). An application to recount the voting results in the electoralprecinct may be filed only with the respective territorial electoral commissionfrom 12.00 to 18.00 on the day following the voting.6. The recount process shall start at 09:00 on thenext day following the time limit prescribed for filing recount applicationsand shall end at 14.00 on the fifth day following the voting day(hereinafter referred to as “the deadline for the recount”).


Article 75. 6. On the seventh dayafter the voting day, the Central Electoral Commission shall, based onthe protocol on the voting results, court judgments, decisions taken as aresult of reviewing applications (complaints) received by the commission,decisions adopted by territorial electoral commissions regarding violationsrecorded on the voting day in the journal of records of precinct electoralcommissions, and decisions on the voting results, summarize the election results and adopt a decision onthe results of the elections.


Article 91. 2. An application challenging the decision adopted onthe basis of the results of elections of the President of the Republic may be lodged with theConstitutional Court, by 18:00 hours on the fifth dayfollowing the day of official announcement of the election result.


Electoral Code ofArmenia (2011)



Article 74. 16. In cases of disputes relatedto the results of the presidential elections the Constitutional Court shall make a decision within ten days after the day of registrationof the appeal.


The Law of the Republic of Armenia on theConstitutional Court (2006) Article 74 (17)

5+7+5+10=20 days
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