Possibility to appeal




Article 46. 6. Decisions on the results ofelections of members of the National Assembly under the majoritarian electoralsystem may be appealed inthe Constitutional Court.

7. Decisions of the Central ElectoralCommission on the results of national elections may be appealed in the Constitutional Court.


Article 125. 12. An application challengingthe decision adopted based on the results of National Assembly elections under theproportional electoral system may be lodged with the Constitutional Court prior to 18:00 hourson the fifth day following the official announcement of the election result.


Article 126. 10. An application challengingthe decision adopted based on the results of National Assembly elections underthe majoritarian electoral system may be lodged with the Constitutional Court prior to 18:00 hourson the fifth day following the official announcement of the election result.


Electoral Code ofArmenia (2011)

Source: http://res.elections.am/images/doc/_ecode.pdf


Article 74. 17. In cases of disputes relatedto the results of the parliamentary elections by party list system the Constitutional Court shallmake a decision within fifteen days after the day of registration of theappeal.

18. In cases of disputes related to theresults of the parliamentary elections by individual system the Constitutional Court shall makea decision within one month after the day of registration of the appeal.


The Law of the Republic of Armenia on theConstitutional Court (2006)

Source: http://concourt.am/english/law_cc/index.htm


Article 100 The Constitutional Court shall, in conformitywith the procedure defined by law:

3.1) resolve all disputes arising from decisions adopted withregard to the elections of the President of the Republic and Deputies


Constitution of Armenia (1995)

Source: http://parliament.am/parliament.php?id=constitution&lang=eng
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