Is there a legally mandated filing fee and/or deposit?
Law No97-010 of February11, 1997 modified by Law No02-011 of March 5, 2002 on the organisation andfunctioning of the Constitutional Court, as well as the proceedings before it /Loi N?97-010 du 11 F?vrier 1997 modifi?epar la Loi N?02-011 du 5 Mars 2002 portant loi organiqued?terminant les r?gles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de la CourConstitutionnelle ainsi que la proc?dure suivie devant elle
Art. 25 (1): The proceedings before theConstitutional Court are written and free from any fees.
(? La proc?duredevant la Cour Constitutionnelle est ?crite et gratuite.?)