Is there a legally mandated filing fee and/or deposit?




Article 83(c)of the Constitution of Liberia 1986:

Any party or candidate who complains about themanner in which the elections were conducted or who challenges the resultsthereof shall have the right to file a complaint with the Elections Commission.Such complaint must be filed not later than seven days after the announcementof the results of the elections.



ElectoralLaw, 2011


Chapter 6

Article 6 (1) Any political party or candidate who has justifiable reasonsto believe that the elections were not impartially conducted and not in keepingwith the Elections Law, which resulted in his defeat or the defeat of acandidate shall have the right to file a complaint with the Commission; suchcomplaint must be filed not later than seven (7) days after the announcement ofthe results of the election.


According to electoral law incorporated 2011,there is no fee for filling a complaint to the first instance which is theElectoral Commission.

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