Issues that can be proposed by citizens using the initiative process at the national level



Citizens' initiatives - constitutional amendments

Political Constitution of Panama(Constitución Política de la República de Panam?).


Article 313

The initiative topropose constitutional amendments belongs to the National Assembly, the CabinetCouncil and the Supreme Court of Justice. Such amendments must be approved byone of the following procedures:

1 Through aConstitutional Act, approved in three readings by an absolute majority of the

members of theLegislative Assembly, which must be published in the Official Gazette and sent

by the ExecutiveBranch to said Assembly within the first five days of ordinary sessionfollowing

the installationof the National Assembly elected in the last general elections, so that it canbe

discussed andapproved in its first session without modification, in a single reading and byan

absolute majorityof all members of the Assembly;

2 Through aConstitutional Act, approved in three readings by an absolute majority of the

members of theNational Assembly in one legislature, and approved anew, during the

immediatelyfollowing legislature, in three readings by an absolute majority of the membersof

the alreadymentioned Assembly. On this occasion the text approved during the previous

legislature may beamended. The Constitutional Act approved in this manner must be published inthe Official Gazette and submitted to the people for direct, popularconsultation through a referendum that shall be held on the date designated bythe National Assembly, within a period not shorter than three months and notlonger than six months from the date of the Constitutional Act's approval bythe second Legislature.

Only the call to establish a parallel Constitutional Assembly to draft a new Constitution.
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