Issues excluded from being the subject of referendums at the national level



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The Law on Referendum ofthe Republic of Armenia (2001)

Article 4 (2)


The following issues cannot be submitted to referendum: 

a) Articles 1, 2 and 114 of the Constitution 

b) the issues of prolonging or reducing the powers of incumbent President and incumbent National Assembly as well as incumbent state and local self-governing bodies 

c) the issues related to human and citizens’ rights, freedoms and obligations, the elimination or restriction of constitutional guarantees providing their implementation, as well as issues directly bestowed to the exclusive competence of state and local self-governing bodies 


Article 5. The Circumstances Precluding the Conduct of Referendum 

1. Referendum cannot be conducted in a territory comprising over one third of the population of Republic of Armenia in case of declaring state of martial law or state of emergency, as well as within two months after the abolition of state of martial law or state of emergency. 

2. A double referendum on the same issue or on an issue having the same content cannot be conducted within a year after the official announcement of the results of referendum






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