58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Fines
  • Prison
  • Loss of political rights
  • Loss of elected office

48. Any person who is guilty of bribery, treating or undue influence under the provisions of this Act, is liable to a fine of seven hundred and fifty dollars and to imprisonment for six months.
Source: Article 48, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines's Constitution of 1979

50. Any person who is convicted of bribery, treating, undue influence or personating or of aiding, counselling, or procuring the commission of the offence of personation shall (in addition to any other punishment) be incapable during a period of seven years from the date of conviction –

(a) of being registered as a voter, or of voting at any election of a member of the House of Assembly;

(b) of being elected or appointed a member of the House of Assembly, or, if elected or appointed before his conviction, of retaining his seat as such member.

Source: Article 50, Representation of the People Act, 1982 (amended 2009)


Sanctions refer only to bribery.

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