58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions?



  • Fines
  • Loss of public funding
  • Suspension of political party
  • Suspension of public funding

Articles 12 and 96, Loi organique n° 27-11 relative à la Chambre des représentants, http://www.sgg.gov.ma/Portals/0/lois/Loi_27-11_Fr.pdf                                                      Articles 45, 48, 62 and 66, Loi organique n° 29-11 relative aux partis politiques, http://www.sgg.gov.ma/BO/bo_fr/2021/BO_7000_Fr.pdf 


The First President of the Court of Accounts informs the Constitutional Court to pronounce the disqualification of the representative who has exceeded the ceiling of electoral expenses ... or, has not indicated the sources of financing of his/her electoral campaign or has not justify the said expenses. When the party concerned does not comply with the formal notice from the First President of the Court of Auditors within the time limit set by law, the party loses its right to annual support until the regularization of its situation vis-à-vis of the Treasury. The suspended party, in accordance with the provisions of articles 60, 61 and 62 of this organic law, does not benefit from public funding, for the period during which it was suspended.  In case of failure of submitting one of the statements, files or documents requested, or of non-compliance with the procedures or deadlines provided in the law, the governmental authority responsible for the interior shall address a notice to the political party to regularize its situation within sixty days. In the absence of regularization of the situation of the party concerned, the governmental authority responsible for the interior shall request the suspension of the party under the conditions and forms provided for by Articles 60 and 61 of the law.                 Is liable to the same penalties any person who, in violation of the provisions of article 31 of this organic law, has consented or accepted ..................... .…. greater than 600,000 dirhams, on behalf of a political party.                                                                        

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